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Toledo GROWs offers an exciting local food opportunity—the Toledo Grown Food Hub.

Toledo GrownSupport the Toledo GROWs program by purchasing a Toledo Grown Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share!

CSA shareholders receive a weekly share of quality, fresh farm products. Choose between a full share (portioned for a family of 3-4 for the week) or a half share (portioned for 1 or 2.)

  • Support local farmers using sustainable growing methods—no harmful chemicals
  • Receive a variety of vegetables and herbs, including many “staples” such as carrots, lettuce, peppers, onions, etc.—whatever is ready that week
  • Experience new vegetables and receive recipes and tips on cooking them
  • Visit the farm where your food is grown
  • The farmer receives payment early in the season which helps cash flow, gets to know the people who will eat his/her food, and introduces customers to new vegetables and ways to prepare them


Buying Produce

CSA Shares

We offer a variety of options, including:

  • half shares or full shares
  • 9 or 18 week summer shares  


Weekly market orders

Toledo GROWs offers produce for sale year-round, with the volume and type of product available dependent on the weather and the season. Participants in the weekly market receive an e-mail at the beginning of the week stating what is available, as well as the pricing. Participants place orders that are ready for pick up at the urban farm, 900 Oneida Street, Toledo.

To request to be added to the weekly e-mail group, send an e-mail to

Gardens Revitalize Our World

Don't have a green thumb? Don't worry, you can still impact your community. We invite you to tour our gardens, get your hands dirty, or help us with events.